
Broomhill Recon (Easter Break)

During the Easter Break I took the opportunity to visit Broomhill. The journey took four hours from west Wales (typically Broomhill is directly beneath my villiage on the map, and would probably only take an hour across the water) during my recon I was able to have a meeting with Rinus and we discussed possible installation sites. I had not been to Broomhill before so I wasn't sure what to expect, I had a clear idea in my head as to how I wanted to display my piece; I wanted an area that was either near water, covered by trees or at the end of a passageway. Rinus and I had quick wander around the competition site and I found a suitable area.

This area is perfect for what I need. I like the idea that the sculpture is near a pond, part of the concept for my piece is that it could be a discovered relic, or a marker of some kind. One thing I need to finish my sculpture is a plinth, Rinus said he was willing and able to construct a plinth for me. After my trip I went home and used the images above to make a basic photoshop impression of my desired plinth.

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